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U nastavku možete pročitati obavijest o nadolazećim EFISG webinarima:
We are excited to share updated details about three educational EFISG webinars. These sessions are tailored for healthcare professionals seeking to expand their expertise in these important areas:
On-demand webinar
Current concepts in immunotherapy for opportunistic mycoses in patients with hematologic cancer
Access: elibrary.escmid.org/?search%5Bfrom%5D=0&search%5Bquery%5D=%22Current+concepts+in+immunotherapy%22&search%5Bdate%5D=#results
Next live webinars
Invasive mould wound infection – lessons from regions under conflicts
18 February 2025
15:00–16:00 CET
Register here: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j8aeC7qPQ22H9x7rGQxjmw#/registration
Update on invasive fungal diseases (IFDs) in immunocompromised children
6 March 2025
16:00–18:00 CET
Register here: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9ImBgyBCRcOEDPZZLqijxA#/registration
We invite you to participate in these sessions to expand your knowledge and stay informed about the latest advancements in the field. Additionally, we welcome any suggestions you may have for future topics.Feel free to share the link between your colleagues and any society you might be affiliated to! You can also share our posts in…
Best regards,
Jon Salmanton-García
on behalf of EFISG