Kongres obiteljske medicine u Zagrebu 2025. – Hotel Antunović.

Poštovani članovi i dragi suradnici, Uvod u Kongres obiteljske medicine održat će se u Hotelu Antunović. 5. i 6. ožujka 2025. U ta dva dana održat će se Forum EUROPREV-a (engl. European Network on Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice) Sami Međunarodni kongres Društva nastavnika opće/obiteljske medicine održava…

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EFISG webinari

Poštovani članovi, U nastavku možete pročitati obavijest o nadolazećim EFISG webinarima: We are excited to share updated details about three educational EFISG webinars. These sessions are tailored for healthcare professionals seeking to expand their expertise in these important areas: On-demand webinar Current concepts in immunotherapy for opportunistic mycoses in patients…

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